Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Client Spotlight: Hear from Kirke C.:

If you embrace their approach and challenge yourself, you’ll love it AND you’ll see results. I started to see differences in the mirror in 3 weeks and it just got better and better from there.

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Client Spotlight: Hear from Kirke C.:

If you embrace their approach and challenge yourself, you'll love it AND you'll see results. I started to see differences in the mirror in 3 weeks and it just got better and better from there. -Kirke

Monday, March 28, 2016

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Come enjoy wine and cheese while you learn how clients who have used bioDensity had DEXA scans resulting in increased bone density.

Friday, March 25, 2016

bioDensity is the Secret We Have All Been Looking For!

The psychology of using bioDesnity is profound because the patient really sees how they can be put in control of a large aspect of their health, which will provide benefits for the rest of their lives. -Warren Ross, MD.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

bioDensity Improving the Lives of Patients!

As a surgeon, I foresee the bioDensity device improving my patients quality of life drastically. -Jeffrey Bentson, MD. Orthopedic Surgery

Monday, March 21, 2016

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Come enjoy wine and cheese while you learn how clients who have used bioDensity had DEXA scans resulting in increased bone density.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

NEW DATE: New Non-Drug Solution to Treat/Prevent Osteoporosis Event: Tuesday: March 29th 6-7:30PM.

Join us at 6654 Koll Center Pkwy, Suite 100, Pleasanton, California 94566. Call to reserve your spot, space is limited: 925-523-3551

Friday, March 18, 2016

Take Control of Your Mind and Body.

You are in control of your own success. Just small positive changes can lead to greater positive outcomes in the future!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

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If you want to add more vegetables to your diet for a major health boost, get started with this Vegetable Lentil Soup recipe.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

SuperSlow Zone Pleasanton IS RIGHT For YOU!

Don’t doubt your abilities! You are capable of reaching the goals you make and transforming yourself!
Call 925-523-3551 to get started today!!

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SuperSlow Zone Pleasanton IS RIGHT For YOU!

Don't doubt your abilities! You are capable of reaching the goals you make and transforming yourself! Call 925-523-3551 to get started today!!

NEW DATE: New Non-Drug Solution to Treat/Prevent Osteoporosis Event: Thursday: March 29th 6-7:30PM.

Join us at 6654 Koll Center Pkwy, Suite 100, Pleasanton, California 94566. Call to reserve your spot, space is limited: 925-523-3551

Monday, March 14, 2016

New Non-Drug Solution to Treat/Prevent Osteoporosis Event: Thursday: March 24th 6-7:30PM.

Join us at 6654 Koll Center Pkwy, Suite 100, Pleasanton, California 94566. Call to reserve your spot, space is limited: 925-523-3551

Friday, March 11, 2016

March Monthly Theme

March is National Nutrition Month dedicated to raising awareness about the benefits of healthy eating and an overall healthy lifestyle! Get informed and become healthier!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Client Success Story: A Fitness Center You Have Always Hoped For

I am loosing inches and weight faster than I imagined. SSZ is a great example of how fitness centers should function: dedication, devotion and providing excellent results thus making every customer happy and satisfied.
-Sejal S.

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Client Success Story: A Fitness Center You Have Always Hoped For

I am loosing inches and weight faster than I imagined. SSZ is a great example of how fitness centers should function: dedication, devotion and providing excellent results thus making every customer happy and satisfied. -Sejal S.

Monday, March 7, 2016

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By increasing your intake of fiber-rich veggies and psyllium, you can unlock the many health benefits of fiber, including a boost to your lung health.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Bone Density Improvement – Strength Training

Average Bone Density Improvement With Strength Training is 1% to 3% in 4 to 24 months. Also, resistance training increases BMD between 1-3% in pre and postmenopausal women.

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Bone Density Improvement – Strength Training

Average Bone Density Improvement With Strength Training is 1% to 3% in 4 to 24 months. Also, resistance training increases BMD between 1-3% in pre and postmenopausal women.